
Red Hat Integration Helps Enterprises Optimize Application Performance and Business Results

Red Hat Integration Helps Enterprises Optimize Application Performance and Business Results

Integration technologies are core to digital enablement. While innovation is always a primary driver, business focus today is also aimed at improving operational efficiency and speeding up how business is conducted to become more competitive. Automation and modernization are two major areas of technology investment, and integration technologies are core to automation. Today, enterprises spend more on integration platforms than on any other IT automation category.

Because of its importance, there is greater urgency to modernize integration software to improve the speed of delivery, volume, and scale of integration required while minimizing the number of developer resources required to support this expansion.

Improving time to market has driven many technology enablement trends, especially the shift from monolithic applications to microservices, the process transformation to DevOps, and the introduction of a cloud-native architecture running on Kubernetes. This was true in IDC’s discussions with Red Hat customers for this assessment. For all but one of the interviews, cloud-native architecture was strategically important to customers. Red Hat OpenShift became their platform.

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